Friday, November 23, 2007


Nice Dim Sum

Yati yg Vogue

Vouge Mama

Had lunch with Yati kat Nikko Hotel tadi..I was amazed Yati is skinner (she takes Yoga 3 times a week) than before..dulu punyer tembam and toye, tapi skrg dah Vogue giteww...She is working with oil company kat Citibank Building. Her husband Mie is from Melaka (tak tau la Shuhaimi ke, Fahmie ke, Amy Seach ke? ahaks) also kat oil n gas punyer line tapi different company. Infact she told me she after 1 week of courting terus merisik and bertunang and after few weeks terus kahwin..terror nyer...after kahwin ikut hubby gi Canada (1 year) pastu US - tak silap Houston (6 months) n another 6 months kat ...ala tak ingat la. (tanda2 dah nak masuk Isyak kot)..ahaks. Pastu duduk Mesia until now. Happily marriedd with 3 kids. Yang besau Faiz 12 yrs old. UPSR - 5A (Congratulations! Sejuk perut Mama) and yg kedua n ke tiga girls and twins pulak tu..going to be 11 next year, nama pun tak ingat gak (kena upgrade Memory or kena reformat). The 4th one still in process...Yeehaaa

Duduk kat Taman Hussein Onn for the past few years, siap penah masuk Anjung Seri maganazine on January last year. Kelas giteww!! Volunteer to be the host for our next gathering (wonder bila dreams will come true).

Thanks for the lunch treat, semoga dimurahkan rezeki..n enjoy your trip to Disneyland (jgn lupa bawak balik souvenir k)

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